

Being sick is definitely not my cup of tea. I am almost positive that I have watched every single movie that is offered on our cable. Luckily, I can finally go back to work and at least keep my mind preoccupied - being sick is so boring! I need to be 100% better by saturday! Tomorrow is my birthday, whooo! I will no longer be considered a "teen" - sweeeet.

(tank and leather jacket H&M, necklace ForLove 21, pants forever21, shoes (old) urban outfitters)


natasha poly





I really wish I had access to a bershka store, well looks like I need to go back to milan! I have exactly one month before I fly back to Germany and I couldn't be more excited. I will be close to my favorite store in the entire world - zara! I don't think anyone can grasp how ecstatic I am, oh man. I ordered some more trouser pants from Urban Outfitters, now I just have to wait once again..
I have come to a conclusion that Wilfred is another weakness of mine. I love the simplicity of the clothing, the authentic material, especially the shirts - the extra fabric drapes perfectly just the way I like it. I know for a fact that I will be purchasing another one on my next paycheck, I am thinking a deep maroon or dark shade of red, we will see.

(leather jacket bershka, bracelet h&m, faux fur h&m, oversized shirt Wilfred at Aritzia)


simple day

Long day at work today but it was great! I finally got my halloween costume yesterday, it is adorable but I need to run and pick up some more jewelry to make it more sassy. I also just received the white tank I ordered from needsupply, I am excited to see all the different outfits I can create with it - simple items are almost always so complex.

(scarf H&M, vintage mens sweater, needsupply sheer tank, silence+noise leggings)


Freja is a bad ass - love her.

jak & jil



tfs and LeFasion

Miranda Kerr has an exquisite taste in fashion - simple and elegant, overall complete perfection



overcast skies and the smell of rain, I've missed days like this. My bank account may be in a little bit of trouble, I called Aritzia yesterday asking if their winter collection has come in yet, and of course it has sooo since I will be at the mall to meet up with my grandmother for our lunch date I might as well swing by and just take a peek - just a peek..

(blazer zara, cropped tee silence+noise at UO, pants wilfred at aritzia, shoes we who see, knuckle ring purchased at a market in milan, vintage belt)




I spent way too much money at ulta yesterday and I finally gave in and bought red lipstick. For some reason I have always assumed that it was not the right color for me but I have come to a conclusion that I really like it! It is bold, sassy, and seductive. I also spent about two hours in border's the other day, I read every single magazine I could get my hands on - it was fabulous. Perfect day.

(scarf h&m, blazer vest nordstroms rack, tank and jacket needsupply.com, DIY ripped tights, ankle boots zara, bracelet NOir)


Here comes the rain

Today is a good day to carelessly walk through out the mall, so I think that is what I am going to do on this pleasant rainy day in oregon.

(blazer zara, jacket needsupply.com, pants zara, top wilfred aritzia, shoes deena&ozzy, gloves deena&ozzy)



Favorite models at the moment

Freja backstage Karl Lagerfeld

Abbey Lee - tfs

Andreea Diaconu - tfs

Natasha Poly backstage wang - fashionistablogg

Anna - tfs




blazer time

Today is a good day to wear all black.

(blazer zara, sheer tank needsupply.com, pants zara, boots UO)



I finally got my package from needsupply.com. I love my new comfy jacket, the geometrical draping of the material is exactly what I was looking for this fall. I also purchased a sheer black tank, now I am debating whether or not I want to get a white one too - I think so. You can never have enough t-shirts, right?

(jacket needsupply, necklace forever21, boots urbanoutfitters)




Sophia Kokosalaki - Love the shoes

Chanel - I have have added brown clogs to my spring wish list

Stella McCartney

Alexander McQueen - intense, extremely intense.

Just some personal fav's

photo's: style.com



I got a pair of boyfriend jeans and I will admit that they are my new favorite article of clothing - sooo comfortable. I am jetting off to Arizona in a few hours, thank god it's only an hour and half flight. Now it's time to run to target and stock on some magazines and EXTRA gum.

(zara blazer, silence+noise sweater, BDG boyfriend jeans, we who see shoes, nOir studded bracelet, bangles XXI)


Christophe Decarnin

I signed on to my email with my cup of coffee - like I normally do every morning - clicked on the link to my daily update on style.com and was overcome with excitment when I saw the link to Balmain's runway show. I have been waiting to see his collection and I couldn't be more in love with it! It gave me goose bumps! I am in love with absolutely everything, to the tattered T-shirts, to the raggedy cut up material, the holed jeans, the sequined camouflage combination, the gold, the lace up booties, and to the outstanding metal detailed military tailcoats! I DIE - completely drool worthy.

I am off to Arizona this weekend to visit the fam damily
