ulta was a success. I really need to post some outfit updates, I swear my wardrobe has expanded in the past two weeks. Aritzia has been my second home lately.
(140 fuchsia fever by maybelline, sun-sational nailpolish ulta)
obsessed with that lipstick color. Looks like I will be taking a trip to ulta tomorrow, not just for lipstick but also bright yellow nail polish, for some reason I feel like its a must have purchase.
my new favorite clutch. The only downside is the size of it, I carry so much crap in my purse but in a way I like how it makes me limit the amount of belongings I assume I need. A good of friend of mine gave me my bcbg gold armor ring that is so badass, I love it! It has taken me sometime to get used to the double ring contraption but I managed to find a way to work with it and wear it on my left hand since I am right handed lol.
p.s. I love that the flowers on my foot tattoo match my clutch =]
(clutch ted baker, bcbg ring and pants, wilfred top, H&M poncho, sparkle&fade blazer from urban, paolo shoes)